img of pricing-tab


  • Digital pass
  • Web portal


Per pass, per year (excluding VAT))

Entry-level package with the basic functionalities


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  • All features package Bronze
  • Dashboard
  • News Releases
  • Socials
  • Pushnotificaties
  • support


Per pass, per year (excluding VAT))

Comprehensive package to communicate more efficiently with push notifications.


img of pricing-tab


  • All features package Silver
  • Dashboard
  • Sponsors
  • Family Passes
  • Photos
  • support


Per pass, per year (excluding VAT))

Complete package for the best communication and scanning experience.


Our digital solution

The process surrounding the creation and mailing of physical (member) passes is often time-consuming, costly, cluttered and often causes a lot of frustration for volunteers, staff or members. You solve these actions in the process with!

Thanks to the tremendous time savings and additional value you offer to your members, you have an immediate positive impact in your organization or association. The is ideal for modern organizations or associations that value the environment, innovation and want to add value to their members.

Yes, of course you can! We’ll give you access to the test environment for a certain time, so you can take your time to look around and see if it’s something for you. Contact us, and we’ll let you have your fun.

Yes, each service agreement starts from a minimum of 250 digital passes per year.

Definitely! We think it is very important that you know exactly how to use the functionalities for your organization or association.

We will send the activation by email. In this activation email, we explain simply and step-by-step how a member can download the and activate the digital pass. Our customers tell us this is super easy. Will you also test it out?

When you start using, you can easily import all contact information. It is important that email addresses are supplied, as we will send the activation by email. In addition, first and last names are relevant, and of course any data you want to add yourself. Currently, we allow 4 values in the

Yes, you can always increase your package whenever you want! Contact us and we’ll make sure you can enjoy the additional functionality of the

Nice of you to consider this! Of course then it is difficult to pass on the number of passes per year, but we are happy to move flexibly with you. We can make various arrangements for this in a no-obligation consultation.

The can be used on either a cell phone or a scanner. It is important to have a wifi connection once to retrieve the data from the web portal. Did this happen? Scan away!

[email protected]! Bring it on. Support is completely optional by the way ;).

Schedule a demo with our specialists

Interested in the We are happy to tell you all about it. Please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.