In this modern age of technological advancement, traditional processes are undergoing a digital transformation, and access control is no exception. While physical plastic membership cards have long been the norm, digital membership cards that can be scanned are now making inroads. In this blog post, we will examine the difference between access control with digital membership cards and physical plastic membership cards and highlight the advantages of the digital version.

Access control with digital membership cards

Digital membership passes offer a modern solution to replace traditional physical passes. They can be easily stored on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet. By using our, these digital passes can be easily scanned with a cell phone or scanner, granting access. Some benefits of digital membership cards are:

  • Convenience and ease of use:
    The hassle of carrying or forgetting physical cards is a thing of the past. Digital membership cards are always at the user’s fingertips, stored in their mobile device, making access quick and easy. In addition, members cannot lose their digital pass.
  • Sustainability and environmental friendliness:
    Digital membership cards reduce the use of plastic passes and paper, contributing to a more sustainable approach to access control.
  • Real-time data and updates:
    Digital management of membership cards enables real-time data and updates. Changes in membership status, access rights or new members can be made instantly.

digital pass scanning

Access control with physical plastic membership cards

Physical plastic membership cards have long been the standard for access control. Although still widely used, they have some limitations compared to their digital counterparts:

  • Susceptibility to loss or damage:
    Physical cards can be easily lost, stolen or damaged, which can lead to user access problems.
  • Cost and production
    Producing physical plastic cards can be expensive, especially if frequent adjustments need to be made.
  • Cost and production
    Producing physical plastic cards can be expensive, especially if frequent adjustments need to be made.

Benefits of Digital Member Passes

The use of digital membership cards offers several advantages over physical plastic membership cards:

  • Improved user experience:
    Users appreciate the convenience and speed of digital membership cards, increasing satisfaction.
  • Cost-saving
    Digitizing access control reduces the cost of production, distribution and replacement of physical cards.
  • Efficiency and time savings
    Real-time updates and instant access mean less red tape and more efficient access provisioning.


In an increasingly digital world, digital membership cards offer numerous benefits to both users and organizations. Access control becomes simpler, more efficient and secure, while also contributing to a more sustainable environment. It is clear that the future of access control is digital and that the benefits of digital membership cards surpass traditional physical plastic membership cards. With this innovative approach, organizations can take their access control processes to the next level and provide a seamless and modern user experience to their members and customers.

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